September 30th becomes the federally regulated “National Day for Truth and Reconciliation” statutory holiday.

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This day of commemoration came into effect on August 3rd, 2021, in response to the finding of 215 Indigenous children’s bodies on the grounds of a former residential school in Kamloops.  The month of September was chosen as historically, this is the month that children were taken away from their families and sent to residential schools.

This legislation is necessary to build on the governments’ decree to further the understanding and preservation of Aboriginal language, history, and culture, and to present a venue for a statutory holiday.  This new holiday commemorates the history of residential schools and its effect on students, families, and communities.  Applying only to federally regulated employees, the BC Employment Standards Act has not yet established it as a statutory holiday in the province.

To learn more; read about the residential schools’ Commission’s Report and for updates to federally mandated employment information regarding this statutory holiday and others; contact your ENCOMPASS Advisor.




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